Shoulder Specialist in India

 Why There Is Need for A Shoulder Surgeon In India?

 Shoulder Surgeon in India is a medical practitioner who heals the patient suffering from issues in joints, bones and shoulders.

In Indian culture, there is always a respectable position in the society and this work is considered as a great help to society. Now, our country is known for excellent medical services, and the popularity is rapidly growing in nations where better medication is not available. Multiple foreigners used to visit here as medical tourists.


There are several hospitals in India where people consult with an arthroscopic surgeon, India for having an excellent treatment regarding suffering from joint and bone issues. It is one of the branches of medical sciences that deals with these types of issues.


If we go with the data, then 20,000 arthroscopic surgeons are treating the patients across the nation and exact information tells that there is one surgeon available for 62,500 people, where 67% patients are from the age group of 21-60 Yrs. So, you can easily imagine the importance of a shoulder surgeon in India.  


The Need

Our shoulders are one of the most flexible joints. It allows us to rotate our arms in many positions that helps us to perform several physical activities such as carrying any item, grabbing anything, playing sports and other daily activities.


So, if something unusual occurs with it, then it needs some specific treatment that can be only given by a shoulder surgeon. The point is to be noted that the arthroscopic surgeon provides treatment for all bones and joints issues where shoulder surgeons in India have the speciality to heal shoulder related issues.


The Issues Handled By Shoulder Surgeon In India

Various issues may cause health issues in an individual's body, and you can’t believe that it is such a painful thing. These issues can be classified as -


● Bursitis or Tendinitis

● Impingement

● Partial Rotator Cuff Tears

● Full-Thickness Rotator Cuff Tears

● Instability

● Fractured Collarbone

● Acromioclavicular Joint Separation

● Humerus Fractures

● Osteoarthritis

● Rheumatoid Arthritis

● Accidental Cases

 The shoulder surgeon treats the above issues.  

 When Should You See A Shoulder Surgeon In India?

Naturally, the human body does not tolerate pain in any case, but the treatment does not depend on it without knowing the root cause. The arthroscopic surgeon in India initially finds the cause then starts the treatment for providing significant relief. From our end, we also analyze when we should see a shoulder surgeon other than an accidental case. Here is the list of symptoms which are required to be consulted with the doctor.


● Difficulty in carrying objects

● Difficulty in rotating the shoulder

● Stable & Rapid shoulder pain

● Shoulder pain persists from the long time

● Unable to raise the arm/arms

● Swelling around the shoulder joint

● Feeling warmth at the shoulders

● Any other unusual symptoms


Several doctors are serving as the shoulder or arthroscopic surgeon in India. So, you choose the best of them who have long years proven track records and have in-depth knowledge to heal the patient. Here are some other details which you would like most.   


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